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Getting Started with SSH

all security networking concepts security concepts Jan 19, 2024


SSH, or Secure Shell, is an essential tool for anyone looking to manage remote servers or securely transfer data over the internet. It encrypts your data, ensuring safe communication between two devices. This guide covers everything you need to get started with SSH, including setting it up on various operating systems and accessing it using tools like PuTTY for older Windows OS.

What is SSH?

SSH is a protocol that provides a secure way to access a remote server. It's commonly used for managing servers, executing commands remotely, and secure file transfer. SSH uses encryption to protect your data from eavesdropping, making it a safe way to communicate over an unsecured network like the internet.

How Does SSH Work?

SSH operates on the client-server model, using encryption for secure communication over unsecured networks. It uses public-key cryptography for authentication and creates a secure tunnel for data transfer. SSH typically uses TCP port 22, which can be changed for enhanced security.

Setting Up SSH

On Linux

  1. Install SSH: Most Linux distributions come with SSH pre-installed. If not, you can install it using your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu:

    • sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  2. Start SSH Service: Ensure the SSH service is running:
    • sudo systemctl start ssh
  3. Enable at Boot: To make sure SSH starts at boot:
    • sudo systemctl enable ssh
  4. Check Status: Verify that SSH is running:
    • sudo systemctl status ssh
  5. Connect to Your Server: Use the SSH command to connect:
    • ssh [username]@[server-ip-address]

On Windows

  • Windows 10 and Later:
    • Windows 10 and later versions have a built-in SSH client. You can access it through PowerShell or the command prompt.
  • Older Windows OS (Using PuTTY):
    1. Download PuTTY: Go to the PuTTY download page and download the installer.
    2. Install PuTTY: Run the installer and follow the instructions.
    3. Open PuTTY: After installation, open PuTTY.
    4. Configure Connection:
      • Enter the IP address of your server.
      • Specify the port (usually 22).
      • Click 'Open' to establish a connection.

On macOS

  1. Open Terminal: macOS comes with SSH pre-installed, accessible through the Terminal.
  2. Connect to Server: Use the SSH command as follows:
    • ssh [username]@[server-ip-address]

Generating and Using SSH Keys

  1. Generate SSH Key Pair: Use this command to create a new SSH key pair:
    • ssh-keygen
  2. Transfer Public Key: Use ssh-copy-id to transfer your public key to the server:
    • ssh-copy-id [username]@[server-ip-address]
  3. Log in with SSH Key: Now you can log in to your server without a password:
    • ssh [username]@[server-ip-address]

Security Tips

  • Change Default SSH Port: Changing the default port (22) can reduce the risk of automated attacks.
  • Disable Root Login: Edit the SSH configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) to disable root login.
  • Use Key-based Authentication: Passwords can be vulnerable, so using SSH keys is more secure.


SSH is a powerful tool for secure communication and remote management of servers. By following these steps, you can set up SSH on Linux, Windows, and macOS, and start managing your servers securely. Remember to follow security best practices to protect your data and server. Happy SSH-ing!

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